I have three sets of limited edition collector plates on the market. Each set features waterfowl images. Although some species were repeated in the various sets, all the painting designs are different.

The first set was released in 1986 by Nature’s Heritage, part of the Michigan Natural Resources Magazine of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and is called "Waterfowl of America." The plate size is 8 1/2" in diameter. The set of six features the following species; bufflehead, canvasback, lesser scaup, mallard, pintail, & wood duck.

The second set was released in 1988 by the Hamilton Collection and is called "American Waterbirds." The plate size is 9" in diameter. The set of eight features the following species; American widgeon, Canada geese, canvasback, hooded merganser, mallard, pintail, snow geese, & wood duck. The set "sold out" and the plates were listed on the secondary market with prices increasing somewhat and varying between the species.

The third set was released in 1991 by the Hamilton Collection and is called "North American Ducks." The plate size is 8 1/2" in diameter. The set of eight features the following species: bufflehead, blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, hooded merganser, mallard, pintail, redhead, & wood duck.